NE-SE GSA is Geological History

CCSU’s Earth and Planetary Science students had a great time at the NE-SE Geological Society of America meeting in Reston, Virginia. This year we had seven students attend (Samantha Appelle, Seth Brown, Hailey Hodson, Kiara Lawrence, Zoe Prevost, Anthony Scalzi, and Isaiah Smith). Then, we were surprised to see Kaliann Magalheas, who came on her own as well as Jess Pelluso. The students attended the Welcoming Party where they stocked up on hors d’oeurves and bought some great mineral samples from University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. They then attended numerous talks and posters exploring the many geoscience topics available. They also attended mentoring lunches where they learned about different job opportunities and how to prepare for the job market. Samantha Appelle presented the results of her research into legacy metal contamination at the Cobalt, CT mine. Drs. Evans and Oyewumi then took everyone out to dinner as thank you for attending the meeting and bearing with the long train and Metro rides. A special thanks goes to Zoe Prevost and Isaiah Smith who organized the transportation and hotel rooms, as well as the entire itinerary. We hope that the students who attend this years’ meeting will communicate their excitement to students next year when we go to the NE section meeting in Manchester, NH.

To Meriden Again!

Geological Sciences students and Dr. Evans hosted the Geological Sciences table at the Meriden Gem and Mineral Show. The show as extremely well attended on both Saturday and Sunday. We gave away hundreds of samples of mica and bags of the three types of rocks. Like last year, we had a display of the three major rock types with numerous examples of each along with informative posters. As usual, we had our  ‘What’s Inside a Rock’ microscope set-up that ‘wowed’ the kids and adults alike. It was great to see Earth and Space Sciences alums: Jess Pelluso, Joshua Cope, and Allie Kovaleski, A special thanks goes to all those students who organized and participated in this event, including Penny Christy, Andrew Delaney, Hailey Hodson, Michael Krinskey, Zoe Prevost, and Isaiah Smith. Back to Bristol in the Fall!